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I'm Majella.

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Lifelong Learner, Lawyer, First Time Mum, Investor, Bargain Hunter, Milkshake Enthusiast, and Your New #1 Fan.

I'm so happy you're here! Grab a drink, let's unpack the universe.

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Let's learn together.

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I'm a curious kinda gal. I'm also a dreamer. 


I've become obsessed with learning everything about anything that might help me achieve my dream of financial freedom in my 30s


Every time I learn something new about investing, property, productivity or the law, I document it. I put it in simplified terms, so that other beginners can learn it too! 


I'm building my e-commerce businesses in public so that you can see all the juicy details of what goes into a first time e-commerce store! And to be completely honest, I'm kinda hoping that they FAIL and that they get MESSY - because this is the best way for all of us to learn.

I'm sharing everything I learn so that YOU can join me in my journey to financial freedom; so that we can bridge the gap between our dream life & reality - together. 

Money Personality Quiz:
What's Your Signature Drink?

A signature drink says a lot about a person, the way they tackle life and their money personality. Find out yours!


Budgets. ByMajella

Build wealth IN STYLE.

Enjoy guilt-free spending and feel at ease with your money plan.

(I'll also send you what I've learnt each week!)

Your new budget is being sent via cyberspace!

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About Majella.

Never seen without a beverage in hand, a self-proclaimed drink aficionado, Majella had saved & invested $175,000 by age 26.


Flash back to 2018, 22 years old, she had only $8,000 to her name. Giving you over-achiever, work-a-holic on a restrictive budget vibes, she could never quite get more than a couple of thousand dollars in the bank. *Cue feelings of overwhelming, crippling SHAME.*


Discovering her passion for personal finance, she started her own business and began investing...

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Your Money. Your Way.


Design. ByMajella

Combining the worlds of finance and design.






Let's Hangout!

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Join me on insta for bite sized info.....

....& to laugh at my ridiculous attempts at reels!

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